Irisity Services Support Policy



This Support Policy applies to Services provided by the Irisity Services business unit based in Sweden.

Important terms are Capitalized and defined in detail in the section “Definitions” at the bottom of this document.

Service Delivery Operations

The Service Delivery Operations organization is based in Sweden and operates during Swedish Business Hours

Outside Swedish Business Hours, Irisity has an On-Call service to provide our Customers with support and incident management for cases of Critical Business Impact around the clock 365 days a year


The best way to get in touch with Irisity for support matters is to submit a support request through:

This gives you the quickest responses and ensures our SLAs are tracked and upheld.

While we prioritize customers with Active Subscriptions, feel free to reach out with any questions even if you do not yet have an Active Subscription.

If the suggested contact path is not suitable, you’re always welcome to reach out via email or phone.

Phone: +46 711 41 11 00

Our Promises

You are the boss

Only you know how important a ticket is to you and your business, and when reaching out to us you will get a choice in how we prioritize your request.

We will always let you know what’s going on

We always strive to respond quickly to all tickets and questions and guarantee to reply and initiate resolutions as outlined in the table below.

We guarantee to uphold these response times

Support Ticket Criticality

Standard Support Level

Standard Support Level

Active Priority Support Subscription

Active Priority Support Subscription

First response

Resolution initiated

First response

Resolution initiated

Critical Business Impact

Next Business Day

Next Business Day

30 mins

60 mins

Moderate Business Impact

Next Business Day

1 week

Next Business Day, First in line

Next Business Day, First in line

Other Inquiries

1 week

1 week

Next Business Day, First in line

1 week, First in line

We are online and available

We always strive to keep our systems running 24/7 and provide an Uptime Guarantee SLA for Critical and Non-Critical Functionality..

We guarantee a minimum uptime of 99,9% for Critical Functionality and 99% for Non-Critical Functionality

The Uptime is measured per calendar month. The Uptime Guarantee is subject to third-party failures such as infrastructure and internet service providers, and Force Majeure events. Note that our promise does not include Customer Systems.

We are accurate

Irisity’s algorithms for Perimeter Security have been developed and fine-tuned for over 20 years. While never perfect, we can confidently say they will accurately detect perimeter breaches in the most challenging of situations.

We guarantee an Accuracy of our Perimeter Security Algorithms of at least 99%

For our Streaming Video Analytics, we guarantee that our Perimeter Security Algorithms will correctly identify perimeter breaches and trigger an alarm on at least 99% of the situations that should have generated an alarm.

For our Alarm Filtering-based analytics, we guarantee to classify at least 99% of incoming alarms with human activity (people or vehicle movement) as such.

We guarantee Precision for our Perimeter Security Algorithms

For our Perimeter Security Algorithms, we guarantee that our Systems will always generate more True Alarms than False Alarms.

Service Credits

If Irisity does not uphold one or more of the Guarantees listed above, we offer Service Credits as listed below. To be eligible for Service Credits you need to have an Active Subscription and submit a Credit Claim via our Service Delivery Portal no later than the 15th of the month following the month when the Guarantee was not upheld. Service credits are capped at 15% for any single Customer in a given billing period.

Irisity Guarantee

Guarantee in short

Measurement period

Service Credit

Uptime Guarantee

Irisity guarantees system Uptime as per the following: Critical Functionality: 99,9% Non-Critical Functionality: 99% Minor Functionality and Betas: No SLA


5 %

Response Time Guarantee

Irisity guarantees that at least 95 % of received tickets are handled within the times outlined in the relevant section above.


5 %

Algorithm Accuracy Guarantee

Irisity guarantees that our algorithms for Perimeter Security are Accurate as outlined in the relevant section above.


5 %

Algorithm Precision Guarantee

Irisity guarantees that our Streaming Video Analytics and Alarm Filtering do not relay false alarms as outlined in the relevant section above.


5 %

System Maintenance

Irisity regularly maintains and upgrades the Irisity systems, normally under a maintenance window that occurs every Tuesday starting at 15.00 Central European Time (CET) / 8:00 am US Central Standard Time (CST). Maintenance and upgrades are usually quick and may occasionally result in temporary service degradations or interruptions. System maintenance time does not count towards system uptime calculations.

For detailed and up-to-date information on upcoming system maintenance windows: go to


General terms

“Active Subscription” refers to Customers who are actively subscribing to one or more Irisity Services at a point in time, with all due invoices paid for in full, and where a mutual understanding exists that services are to be delivered.

"Customer" means an individual or organization that has entered into an agreement with Irisity to use its systems or services with relevant purchased licenses and/or an Active Subscription.

“Force Majeure” means all events beyond Irisity’s reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, pandemics, war, riots, strikes, third-party telecommunications and infrastructure failures, and changes in laws or regulations. SLAs and other guarantees are automatically voided in the event of a Force Majeure event.

“Provider” means Irisity AB (publ).

“Service” refers to our Software as a Service, SaaS, the provision of, and access to Irisity’s products and functionalities such as IRIS+, IRIS, and Alarm Filter. The software service(s) are provided on a subscription basis.

“Site” refers to a physical location where one or more surveillance cameras are mounted and connected to an Irisity video analytics system.

“System” – see Service.

Support process

"Business Day" means any day of the week except Saturdays, Sundays, bank holidays, and public holidays in Sweden.

Please note that Swedish de facto holidays may vary, and a complete list can be found at

"Business Hours" means the hours of 9:00 to 17:00 Central European Time on a Business Day

“First In Line” means a ticket will be placed first in priority to be handled. Should several tickets share “First in Line”-priority the one created first will be handled first.

“Next Business Day” means the first day following a Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday, public holiday or de facto holiday in Sweden

“On-Call” means the provider is available to respond to urgent requests or emergencies outside of normal business hours. The On-call is available 24 hours a day every day.

“Support Ticket Criticality” means the severity of an issue in systems under the control of the provider. The Support Ticket Criticality is defined by the Customer’s situation according to the following table. Irisity reserves the right to review and reclassify the support ticket if the selected criticality level is found to be inaccurate or unjustified according to the table.

Support Ticket Criticality

Customer Situation

Expected Customer Response

Critical Business Impact.

The majority of cameras in the Irisity System are affected. The Customer’s business has significant loss or degradation of Services and requires immediate attention.

The customer confirms that the issue is of critical business impact, with severe loss and degradation of services.

The issue demands an immediate response, and the customer commits to continuous operation, 24/7 every day with the Irisity team until resolution, otherwise Irisity may at its discretion decrease the severity level.

Moderate Business Impact

The Customer’s business has moderate loss or degradation of Services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.

The customer confirms that the issue has a moderate impact on their business with loss and degradation of services, but workarounds enable reasonable, albeit temporary business continuity.

Other Inquiries

General inquiries and other requests with lower business impact, Tickets originating from Customer Systems are automatically in this category.

The customer confirms that the issue has a minimum or no impact on their business with minor or no impediments to service.

Customers found to abuse the criticality classification may face reduced service prioritization.

Algorithms and guarantees

“Alarm Filtering” is when Irisity’s analytics systems process incoming alarms containing one or more video frames or a short video clip. The alternative is Streaming Video Analytics.

“Accuracy”, technically “Recall”, is the performance metric of how many instances of the total number of cases are retrieved. In a video analytics system, it refers to how many True Alarms were generated out of the total number of situations that should have triggered a true alarm. The term missing True Alarm is defined by Missed Detection.

“Accuracy Guarantee” refers to our Guarantee on Accuracy and is measured monthly across the Customer’s entire Account of at least 10 cameras that have generated at least 100 alarms for the period. If it is not upheld, the Service Credit given will be 5% of the next invoice for the platform where the guarantee was not upheld.

“Guarantee” means that Irisity commits to uphold a certain level for a certain metric. If that level is not upheld the Customer may file a claim to receive a Service Credit.

“Missed Detection” is a term referring to a video analytics system not generating an event for a situation that should have generated an event, subject to the Missed Detection Litmus Test.

“Missed Detection Litmus Test”

To qualify as a Missed Detection in an Irisity system the following criteria must be met

·         The system must be correctly configured to detect the event according to Irisity specifications and best practices, typically at least 36 pixels on the object to be detected on the longest edge (36px height on the human) in the resolution processed by the Irisity system

·         The system and the hardware the system is running on must be free from errors or warnings, e.g. no “High-CPU”-load or “Low framerate” warnings may be present in the system 12 hours before and after the date and time in question.

·         An unprepared and uncoached human must be able to distinguish the event without aid in the original video. Tested by exporting the original video of the event with one minute of video before and after the event and validating that the event is easily spotted in the video.

“Perimeter Security Algorithms” refers to our algorithms built specifically for perimeter security scenarios. The functionality refers to detecting perimeter breaches in predefined zones and applies to both Streaming Video Analytics and Alarm Filtering. It does not include more advanced algorithms such as loitering (dwell time), grouping, or line crossing.

“Precision” is the performance measure of how many relevant cases are generated amongst the total number of instances. In a video analytics system, it refers to how many True Alarms were generated by the system compared to the total number of alarms generated by the system.

“Precision Guarantee” refers to our Guarantee on Precision and is measured monthly across the Customer’s entire Account of at least 10 cameras that have generated at least 100 alarms for the period. If it is not upheld, the Service Credit given will be 5% of the next invoice for the platform where the guarantee was not upheld.

“Streaming Video Analytics” is when Irisity’s analytics systems get access to the video stream from the camera or other source. The alternative is Alarm Filtering.

Systems and uptime

“Criticality of System Functionality”

The Irisity system functionality is divided into three categories:

  • Critical Functionality” means functions related to video processing and analytics, alarm generation, handling, and distribution of alarms internally in Irisity systems and to third-party systems. Critical Functionality does not include Customer Systems or other party systems and software.
  • Non-Critical Functionality” means functionality that is not Critical Functionality but is still important for the real-time operation of the Irisity System. This includes functionality for system configuration, technical monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
  • Minor Functionality and Betas” means functionality that is not essential for normal operation, configuration, monitoring, and maintenance of the Irisity video analytics system. It also includes private and public beta products and functionalities, as well as products and features not related to the real-time operation of cameras and surveillance systems.

“Customer Systems” means any computers, networks, or other software or hardware components controlled by the Customer, customers, or subcontractors of the Customer or other parties acting on the Customer side of the system, outside of the control of the Provider.

“Uptime” means the time when the system functions within normal operating parameters.

Service Credit and Claims

"Credit Claim" means a claim related to an SLA breach according to the table “Irisity Guarantee”

“Service Credit” means a credit that is calculated as a percentage of the total Subscription fee paid by the Customer. Service Credits apply only against future Subscription fees and Service Credits will not entitle the customer to any refund or other payment from Irisity. Service Credits amounting to a total of less than € 50 will not be issued.


The guarantees, SLAs, and service levels outlined in this Support Policy are applicable only when the system is set up, configured, and maintained according to Irisity’s technical specifications and guidelines. This includes but is not limited to proper camera placement, system maintenance, hardware performance, and adherence to all provided setup instructions. Irisity shall not be held responsible for any underperformance or failure to meet guarantees if such failures result from improper customer setup, environmental conditions, or third-party equipment issues. This Support Policy applies solely to Irisity's software and services. It does not extend to third-party services or entities, including but not limited to guard responses, external monitoring services, or third-party security systems. Irisity’s obligations under this policy are subject to scheduled maintenance, external dependencies, and Force Majeure events as defined herein. Irisity reserves the right to suspend services in the event of non-payment, after providing 30 days' notice.