IRIS+ Central Monitoring


Portal user interface

Main menu

The main menu displays the available modules based on your product tier and user privileges.

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It notifies you of camera issues in your deployment that require your attention. Issues are color-coded by their severity:

  • Red displays errors 
  • Orange displays warnings 

User settings

Click here to modify your profile, change language, or log out of IRIS+™. 

Use this menu to collapse or expand the side panel and expand the screen to view critical information in detail.

Tree view panel

The panel to the left is the Hierarchical tree view

The tree view lets you organize cameras and devices in a flexible and powerful way. You can create as many folder levels as you want and structure your installation in the way that best suits your way of working. Many of our customer use one folder level to group "Sites" (physical locations), while others use them to group large regions or logical subsets.

When working in the system, the item you select in the tree view will affect what is shown in the Main work area:

  • Selecting the top node, the Account, will show information relating to all cameras and devices.
  • Selecting a folder will show information relating only to that folder and cameras/devices under it.
  • Selecting a single camera or device will show information relating only to that.

Logical and Physical view

The tree view is broken up into two different tabs:

  • Logical view - A logical structure for your organization, as you see fit. For example - by site, by group, and by cameras. This view displays only cameras.
  • Physical view - defined by actual account implementation. This view displays primarily IRIS+ Edge devices and will show their connected cameras as children of that Edge device to give information about what device each camera is being processed.

Main work area

The work area is contextual so you will see relevant information and options based on the module and menu options you selected.

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Administrator module

The Administrator module lets you define the system configuration.

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It includes the following tasks:

  • Setting up your account Hierarchy structure 
  • Connecting Edge devices
  • Connecting Cameras
  • Defining Schedules
  • Defining Rules for events

Administration module menu

The sub-menu is contextual. It provides access to displays and tasks depending on the selected entity in the hierarchy tree panel. 

Relevant entities may be:

  • Folders
  • Edge Devices (in physical view)
  • Cameras

Monitor module

The Monitor module lets you view detected events based on defined rules. 

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It includes the following functions:

  • Viewing detected Events
  • Viewing the detected event Camera's Live Feed
  • Tagging the detected event as True or False

Monitor module menu

The sub-menus provide display and access options for viewing detected events such as export, filters, timelines, and folders in the organizational structure.

Use them to determine:

  • the way you view the events
  • which events to view
  • how to access and view the events

Detected events

The panel displays snapshots of the relevant events based on your selections in the tree and in the sub-menus. The events are displayed as monitor cards. A card shows the details of event as well as functionality to access more information and close the event as a True or False event.

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The dected events can also be viewed in High-contrast mode for easier handling.

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Reports module

The Report module lets you export the statistical reports as files and view them in a spreadsheet application such as Excel.

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Scheduled Reports

The Scehule Reports tab lets you create and edit a reporting schedule. Using scheduled reports you can automate receive a custom report in your mailbox without having to access the system.

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Custom sceduled reports can be generated daily, weekly or monthly, and can be sent to one or more user defined e-mail addresses.

Settings module

The Settings module allows you to view and define general system settings.

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In this module you can perform some of the following based on your role and permissions:

  • View audit logs of actions performed in the system.
  • Add integration targets through which you'd like to receive detected events.
  • Define device profiles for the Edge devices.
  • Manage users in the system.

Settings module menu

The sub-menu provides access options for system Settings such as Audit log, Integration targets, User management, and Device profiles.

Invite new users

For account admins, locate the Settings tab, access the Users section, and locate the +Add button.

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When clicking on the +Add button, provide an email, role, and security group for the invitee. Note that only admins do not need a security group to complete an invite.

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Once done, click the Send Invitation button to complete the invite. The invitee should receive the first account setup step through their email.

First Time Login

As the invitee, locate the email sent from Irisity, titled Login to IRIS+™, open the email, then click the link provided.

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The link should direct the invitee to the account recovery step. Follow the steps to complete the account creation.

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Apply the code to the verification step. Once submitted, the portal will require a new password.

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Once a password has been created and saved, the invitee will now have the option to enable two-factor authentication. This step is skippable if desired.

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It is highly recommended to store the generated secret code in a password manager or vault of the user's choice.

To use the authenticator app code, scan the QR code with your mobile device. Select the authenticator app of choice, generate the app code, copy & paste app code into the portal's authenticator app, and click save.

Additionally, the invitee will have the option to reset or unlink their two-factor authentication setting in the portal, which is mentioned below.

Setting up two-factor authentication

Using two-factor authentication is recommended for improving account access and security.

To get started, log in to the portal and locate account settings.

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Click on the icon to expand the account settings menu and click on the option Configure Authenticator.

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Once clicked, the authentication options and instructions will be shown.

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It is highly recommended to store the generated secret code in a password manager or vault of the user's choice.

To use the authenticator app code, scan the QR code with your mobile device. Select the authenticator app of choice, generate the app code, copy & paste app code into the portal's authenticator app, and click save.

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If the authentication code is successful, a success confirmation message will display.

To unlink the current authentication app, simply click on "Unlink TOTP Authentication App".

Managing security groups

In order to ensure an easy login process for all users, all non-admin users must be assigned to at least one security group.

Whenever a security group is created, the permissions by default are blank.

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In order for the security group to log in properly, the group must be given proper permissions. Click on edit to update permissions.

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Once in edit mode, click on the + button to add permissions.

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The admin should now be prompt to select the appropriate folders that should be made available to users within the security group. Click on a folder to select.

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Once selected, the admin is able to adjust the types of permissions, delete all permissions, or save the permissions setup.

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At this point, all users in the security should now to able to log in properly without accessing actions of restricted areas or folders in the portal.

Reset password for on-prem customers

For on-prem customers, admins will be able to reset passwords for all non-admin users.

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Simply access the Settings module, to the Users tab, and then locate a particular non-admin account that needs a password reset.

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Expand the user account, then click on Edit.

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In edit mode, an option to reset password should appear.

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Clicking on the Reset password feature will show a Generate recovery code option.

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A one-time use recovery code will be generated. The admin user should copy the code and share it with the non-admin user of interest.

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The user should enter their email in this step. When done successfully, the page will give the user two options: Send email with recovery code, or manually enter recovery code.

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When the user receives their recovery code via user email or manually from their admin, they can input the code into the recovery code field. Once that is completed, the system will send the user to set their new password as shown from the earlier flow above.