Getting started with IRIS+ Ins...

Advanced user guide for Insights


If there is a need to create a custom calculation for a panel, you can combine fields into a single calculation to create a new field to use.

To configure this from scratch, select the Create Calculated Field option:

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This will open up a blank calculated field pop-up:

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If you want to calculate the subtracted number of people coming in and out from a line, you can use the calculated example shown below.

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Advanced visualization options

For customers looking for additional dashboard options, the Insights tab offers different ways to provide advanced visualizations to your alarm data:

Adding conditional formatting to panels

For customers looking to have add some automation to their panels' visuals, you can also include conditional formatting in the dashboard

First, access an existing panel you have and open up the additional options in the binding of your choice. Then, locate the conditional formatting option.

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In the conditional formatting option, create a new formatting option by clicking on the + (Add) button. This will open up the different options you can select to apply the formatting to. In this pop out you will specify:

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  • The field you want to apply the formatting to
  • The value type you want the format to apply against
  • The condition that the field will have to fall under in order to trigger the formatting

In this example, we will apply a condition to all sites that exceed 100 events or more in a certain time period

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Once that has been set, you should now see that the conditional formatting has only applied to the fields that falls within the set criteria.

Before conditional formatting

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After conditional formatting

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Adding a color scheme to a panel

To add custom colors to panels, you can access the options of an existing panel.

Make sure to turn the measure coloring off to enable custom colors

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Once you have done so, access the color scheme option and click on the pencil icon to change the colors.

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The same can be done in some others that shows visualizations, like the pie chart for example.

Adding additional data sources to a dashboard

This can be achieved by opening the additional menu options:

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This access the additional options for dashboard configurations, including the option to add an additional data source to a single dashboard.

You can do so by locating the data source options under Data source:

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Simply click on the Add action to open up all available data sources to select.

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Once selected, you should be able to see that you have successfully added multiple data sources here:

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If you're not sure as to what fields are available from a specific data source, you can always check the fields view on the right of the selected data source list.

Go back to the panel you want to configure with different data source and select the one you want to add to the panel:

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Here, you can see that clicking on the data sources will allow you to assign a different data source for the selected panel. Setting this panel to show a different data source will not change the data source of the other panels, which allows for users to see visualizations from multiple data sources without changing or creating a new dashboard.

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