The IRIS+™ API has been created to provide secure and easy access to your account data to support custom use cases and integration needs. It is built using RESTFUL principles.
The API is normally disabled. Please reach out to our support or sales organization to enable access to the API for your account and installation.
The current version is version 2.
The main endpoint for the API is This is also where you find the detailed API documentation.
To get access to the functionality of IRIS+ API you will need an API key and an Access token.
The system administrator needs to create an API key with the relevant permission.
For Iristy-hosted cloud accounts, please contact Irisity support to get an API key:
Customer Support: [email protected]
- Log in as system administrator
- Go to the Console tab and then choose API Keys

3. Click + Add
4. Set Key name

5. Click "+ Add"
6. Select the API key in the list and add the below permissions, depending on needs.
To maximize security, Make sure to only grant access to the functionality required
- Accounts -> Read
- Events -> Read, Update
- Folders -> Read
- Rules -> Read
- Cameras -> Read, Update
- Click "Save"
- Deliver the API key securely to the intended customer.

The administrator of the relevant account needs to create a service account to be able to generate an access token for the API calls.
- Log in as an account administrator
- Go to Settings and then the User tab
- Click "+ Add"

4. Choose "Create service account" and pick a name
5. (Optional) Add a description
6. Click "Create service account"

- Select the service account
- Click "Get token"
- (Recommended) Check the "Token expiration" and choose the expiration date. We always recommend setting a token expiration to enforce rotating keys periodically.
- Click "Get token"
- Copy the token and store it securely for later use

To start using the external API, you need to set two custom headers, X-API-KEY and X-ACCESS-TOKEN:
- Add the API key generated above as the value for the X-API-KEY header
- Add the Access token generated above as the value for the X-ACCESS-TOKEN header.
To verify your API access you can use curl to get a list of all sensors (cameras) in the account. Curl is built into most modern operating systems. For more details, please see
For details about the available operations, options, and data types, please refer to the API documentation at