Latest releases
innoVi 2023.10
Irisity updates improve your system's stability, performance, or compatibility and are recommended for all users. For users connected to our cloud-hosted environments, updates will be automatically applied according to our policies.
The release is planned to be deployed to our cloud-hosted systems on November, 28 and during our service maintenance window.
- New integration option - Introducing our latest integration available, Patriot Integration Systems. Customers looking to connect with a Patriot client can do so now with the updated innoVi experience. Get started today to start receiving alarms and events to your Patriot alarm center without the hassle.
- Improve your monitoring - To better your event monitoring setup, we've included updated guides on how to set up rules that will optimize the way events trigger for your operations.

- Improved security for integration services - Updates to the security of the integration services in order to ensure that your integrations are limited to your own account and yours alone.
- Removed unsupported camera modes - The WebRTC toggle has been removed from the camera live view mode for now and will be supported in the near future for all customers.
- Improvements were made to our algorithms for object detection to enhance the recognition of attributes found in site streams.